I, oh so responsibly, told Blondie and Princess that we absolutely could not go shopping "just to look", suspended my B&N Nook account and haven't even opened iTunes this week because there is always "just one" new
(OK, so technically I cant actually suspend my B&N account. But I've not purchased any new books in the past week, which is so the same thing.)
The other day he called me at work, from a car dealership and said, "Honey, can you come test drive this car, I think I'm gonna buy it."
(dot dot dot)
I tried, in vain, to talk him out of it.
That man is as thick as the Great Wall of China sometimes.
I told him to leave the car at the dealership, go home, and that we could talk about it. I explained that, if it was meant to be, the car would still be there for us to purchase when the dealership opened the next morning.
I thought he understood that I wasn't saying "You can not buy the car, ever."
I was merely saying, "You should not buy that car, today."
I'm naive.
This was sitting in my driveway when I got home.
This is not for me to drive.
He "let" me drive it home from our friend's birthday party because... well it doesn't matter why.
First, "This is not a good year for you to get your boobs 'enhanced'."
Then, "You really need to watch your frivilous spending; And yes, $50.00 flip-flips are frivilous... I dont care if they're designed to boost your booty."
Now, "Honey, I work hard and I commute further than you. I deserve the new car."
I am so going to buy new running shoes tomorrow.
and likely those flip-flops also!
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